Business Information
Update your basic business information such as company name, logo, address, etc. for customised reports.
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Update your basic business information such as company name, logo, address, etc. for customised reports.
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To add or update business information click on the Setup > General Settings > Business information.
Here you can add the basic information of your business like company name, address, business logo, business seal, etc. After adding the respective information, when you download any of the reports it will be downloaded with basic information about the business in that. Precisely by adding these pieces of information, you are creating the formate of a report as the information filled in ‘Report Headers’ will appear on the header of a report and same as information filled in ‘Report Footers’ will appear on the footer of a report.
Fill the statutory informations like PAN, TAN, GSTIN, etc. in the ‘Statutory Information’ field.
Go to the bank details section to add the details of your company bank to manage all transactions with the bank like salary payments to your employees, tax payments to the government, etc. Fill the bank name, bank branch, IFSC code, and bank account number as shown below.
Add employee additional information like old pf no., education, insurance policy, and so on. You can create up to 10 new fields as per your requirement.
Enter your company code in other information fields. Company code is used for logging on to Workman (employee self-service mobile app). By default, the system will assign a company code, but you can change it here to represent your brand or name. It should be 6 character code. After changing the company code, the workman login will require this code to be entered by employees (along-with employee code and login pin).
After adding information to all fields click on the Save button to save the details. This is how you can add and manage (edit) your business information Runtime.