Attendance Settings
This article explains attendance settings to mark present, absent, half-day, and attendance sandwich rules for holidays and weekly offs.
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This article explains attendance settings to mark present, absent, half-day, and attendance sandwich rules for holidays and weekly offs.
Last updated
Select from Present or Absent. This means that if there is no time punches available for a date, what should be the default attendance to mark.
Selecting Present will mark all days as Present, even if no time punches are available. Selecting Absent will mark all days as Absent if no time punches are available. This does not overwrite Holidays and Weekly Offs.
Enable this setting and enter no. of minutes in the text box next to it. If the In-Minutes are less than this value, Absent will be marked. This setting does not affect Holidays and Weekly Offs.
Enable this setting and enter number of minutes in the text box next to it. If the In-Minutes for a particular day are less than this value, Half-Day will be marked. This value should be more than above setting (Mark Absent if In-Office is less than….).
This setting allows you to mark Half-Day if an employee comes late after his/her assigned shift start-time. Enter a value to automatically mark Half-Day if employee is late by this value.
This setting allows you to mark Half-Day if an employee goes early before his/her assigned shift end-time. Enter a value to automatically mark Half-Day if employee goes early by this value.
This option allows you to control how each punch is treated by the system. When this setting is ON, employee is considered Out-of-office on every 2nd punch.
Consider this example:
1st punch: 10:00 AM 2nd punch: 10:30 AM 3rd punch: 11:30 AM 4th punch: 6:30 PM
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM > In-Office (30 mins.) 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM > Out-Of-Office (1 hr.) 11:30 AM to 6:30 PM > In-Office (7 hrs.)
10:00 AM to 6:30 PM > In-Office (8 hrs. 30 mins.)
Total In-Time
7 hrs. 30 mins.
8 hrs. 30 mins.
In case you do not wish to maintain daily attendance and only want to capture total no. of presents, absents, leaves in the month, enable this setting. After enabling this setting, daily based attendance is disabled and you cannot view attendance calendar for the month.
To update number of presents, absents, holidays etc., go to Menu > Attendance > Manual Attendance. Here, you can capture the number of days for each employee. You can also use ‘Excel Import’ option (top right of the page) to update the numbers for multiple employees from excel file.
Using Holiday and Week Off Sandwich Rules, you can specify how holidays or weekly offs are allowed, if employee is absent on a day before or after the holiday or weekly off.
Consider these examples to understand this:
Jan 26th is a holiday at your office
Do not allow Holiday if Absent on next/previous day – ON
Jan 26th will be marked as Absent if John is absent on EITHER Jan 25th OR Jan 27th
Apply only if absent on BOTH next and previous day – ON
Jan 26th will be marked as Absent if John is absent on BOTH Jan 25th AND Jan 27th
Jan 8th Saturday and Jan 9th Sunday are weekly offs at your office
Do not allow Holiday if Absent on next/previous day – ON
Jan 8th and Jan 9th both will be marked as Absent if John is absent on EITHER Jan 7th OR Jan 10th
Restrict to only one day before/after absent – ON
Jan 8th will be marked as Absent if John is absent on Jan 7th. Jan 9th will still be allowed as Weekly Off. However, if John is also absent on Jan 10th, Jan 9th will also be disallowed. The effect of absent will only be considered for one day next or previous to the absent day.
Restrict to only one day before/after absent – OFF
If John is absent on Jan 7th, he will be marked absent on both Jan 8th and Jan 9th.