Import Employees

Import Employee feature lets you create employee records in bulk. Usually when you get started with Runtime, its a great way of quickly importing employee records using excel.

To import employees go to, Bulk Update > Employee Records

Get Import Template

Click on ‘Download’ button to download a blank excel template. An excel file will download as shown below:

Prepare Employee Data

To prepare the file, copy-paste data from your existing employee records. Note that columns highlighted in red like ‘Employee Code’, ‘First Name’, ‘Gender’ and ‘Date of Joining’ are required and cannot be left empty. All other columns are optional, but it is recommended to fill as much detail as it is available with you.

Upload Employees

Once your excel file is completed with employees’ details, go back to Bulk Update > Employee Records page. Click on ‘Choose file’ option and select the completed file. Click the ‘Upload’ button to start the import process. You can either upload the template downloaded from the last step, containing employee records; or you can also upload an exported file with changes to update records.

Updating old records

The Import Employee option can also be used to update old employee data in bulk. For that, go to Reports > Export Records. Here, you can download existing employee records as an excel file. You can then make changes and re-upload the file to update the records in one go.

Last updated